Rig Builder

This is a simple MEN-stack app to add pieces of guitar equipment to a virtual collection. You can add a guitar, pedal or amp and view other users' collections and equipment. Made in a week using HTML, EJS, Javascript, CSS, Express, Node.js, MongoDB and Mongoose, with deployment through Heroku. This was my Unit 2 project for General Assembly Software Engineering Immersive bootcamp.

  • This app was built as my Unit 2 project at bootcamp

  • As a guitarist and gear lover, I wanted to create an app to share that passion with others

  • Learning RESTful routing conventions and implementing them in a week was a bit of a challenge, but I grew a lot through completing this project

  • In hindsight, I could add a lot more features like comments and likes, and given the time I would love to implement those




React Pedals